Lasting impact

We offer Responsible Investment (RI) solutions that aim to generate positive change while delivering attractive returns.*

A range of solutions contributing to positive change

Our ESG STARS strategies, consisting of both equity and fixed income solutions, stand at the forefront of responsible investment. The ESG STARS represent the very best of NAM’s distinct ESG integration approach supported by our award winning RI Team.
Our thematic solutions – which include Impact strategies, Engagement strategies and solutions-oriented strategies – cover Climate/ Environment and social topics such as Diversity. All of these strategies aim to bring about change either by investing in solutions to key sustainability challenges and/ or by engaging with companies to accelerate positive performance in these areas.

Active ownership

We vote in Annual General Meetings and engage with the companies we invest in on behalf of our clients because we believe that this can be a powerful agent of change and value creation.

Across the globe, companies are working to accelerate the shift towards a more sustainable world, and it is our job to help them adapt and thrive. That’s why engaging with these companies on material Environmental, Social and Governance matters is such an important part of what we do. Through active engagement, we seek to improve their sustainability practices and ultimately enhance their competitive advantage.

This is how we foster positive change while supporting tomorrow’s leaders.

*There can be no warranty that an investment objective, targeted returns and results of an investment structure is achieved. The value of your investment can go up and down, and you could lose some or all of your invested money.